New Year 2024 – my essentials & tips

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„Approach the New Year with resolve to find the opportunities hidden in each new day.“ – Michal Josephson

I don’t know about you but I am extremely happy that 2023 is over. Don’t get me wrong I am grateful for all those beautiful and unique moments, but this year was still very difficult. And on so many levels, but mainly emotionally – at least for me. As if you constantly have to sort something out without being able to take a break in between. That’s why this year is all about personal growth. Who do I want to be? What are my goals? How can I get in contact with you? What do I need for this? And so forth.

Each of us has our own ideas and goals. It’s never too late to make your own decisions and strive for new things and the turn of the year is perfect to make such a start. But please don’t try to force yourself into something, because after a short time you will no longer have any motivation and will be disappointed afterwards – a great example here would be a fitness center membership. So sit down quietly and take the time to really think about yourself. 

Here you will get a few tips and essentials from me for the new year 2024:

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Piggy bank:

I’ve had a piggy bank for years and I love the feeling of taking it to the bank at the end of the year. Nobody expects to save hundreds of euros, but it’s still a pleasure to get an extra bonus at the end of the year. It is not necessary that you throw money into it every day. But if you find money in your apartment or if you already have too many small coins in your wallet, it’s perfect to have a piggy bank. For example, it can be part of the weekly routine for cleaning the apartment. Because it also teaches us how to be tidy and saves money at the same time.

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I am a writer. – always has been. There are thousands of thoughts in my head all the time and if I don’t write them down somewhere they would stay in my head all the time and would drive me crazy. That’s why I always have my little notebook with me so I can write down every idea. I actually write in my notepad almost every day and it’s always fascinating to see what you wrote down a week ago and what you’ve been able to achieve in that time. You may have to get used to it at first, but you’ll quickly get into a routine.

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Every year I buy a book that will help me in some way in my future. This year got myself “Make your bed – by William H.McRaven”. It is about simply small things that you can integrate into your everyday life to achieve your personal goals. I understand that the book is not or has to be for everyone. I just find it fascinating how we can change things in our lives through small details. As an example, I find that I am always more productive during the day if I have made my bed beforehand. It’s simply a matter of attitude. I find that when you’ve already done the little things, you’re immediately motivated to do more. That’s why I recommend everyone find a book that interests/inspires you.

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After my cell phone, my iPad is the device I use the most. Because it helps me with my creativity. Be it creating a moodboard, drawing pictures or illustrations for websites, sketching an idea from a picture and much more. For me it’s almost like a drawing board, only with the advantage that I can draw and do many different things with it. And if I ever need a distraction from all my thoughts, luckily there’s Netflix.

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And of course something for our selfcare:

A faceroller is a game changer early on. It’s best to store it in the fridge overnight so that you can use it in your morning skincare routine. Nothing gives you a fresher complexion than something cool on your face. Simply roll the ice roller over your face a few times after your usual routine and you’ll be ready for the day straight away and your face won’t look so stuffy after sleep. So 2 in 1. In summer it has another effect when it’s already mega hot in the morning, it also provides cool freshness. The ice rollers are now very easy to get and also for a reasonable price. For example, mine is from Amazon. 

My tips and questions for you:

🍀 Am I happy where I am right now? If not, what can I do to make it better?

🍀 Is the work-life balance right in my work? Is the salary really adjusted to my performance?

🍀 What are my personal goals this year?

🍀 Try to draw a list of the top 10 things you want to achieve/experience this year. – try to stay realistic – everyone wants to become a millionaire

🍀 Try to set small goals for each month – you will be surprised at what you can achieve in such a short time

🍀 What can I do to help my soul find peace?

🍀 Let yourself be pampered – whether with me-time at home or a massage – have a good time every now and then


just belief in your own strength 


try to think clearly about your goals for the year


