Work Essentials – to easy survive the workday

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My personal work essentials to easy survive ste stressfull everyday life at work

We spend most of our time working. Yes, there are now many jobs that allow you to work from home, but unfortunately this is not possible in every industry. Most of us sit in the office all day. Like everything in life, this has advantages and disadvantages. That’s why I would like to show you a few of my must-have work essentials – to easily survice the office day.

The goal is to make the typical hectic everyday stress more bearable with little things. Work, no matter what kind, can be exhausting on some days and the right work essentials can help make it at least a little better. Regardless of whether they are work essentials on the way to work, during work or after work. Today I’ll show you my top 6 work essentials.

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Essentials can vary from person to person. Or it also depends on the job. I work in a construction and planning office as an engineer/construction technician. I sit behind my computer most of the day. Therefore, my work essentials are more geared towards sedentary work.

My must have work essentials:

1.Work essentials – Glasses:

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Anyone who knows me knows that I am blind to the distance. I can see great up close, but everything in the distance is blurry. This is quite annoying during meetings and presentations because I never see what is happening on the screen. That’s why I always have my glasses with me so that I don’t get headaches and I can read everything. Glasses no longer have the typical nerd stigma. Fortunately! Because glasses give you something authoritative and can also be stylish at the same time.

2.Work essentials – SOS Makeup kit:

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A must have for me in my bag is my cosmetic bag. This contains: Labello – for dry lips or areas on the face. A hand cream from Rituals for dry hands or other parts of the body. Of course, concealer is also a must to quickly cover up small bumps or marks. I always have a combination of mirror and comb with me. Just practical. A scrunchie or hair clip is also a must for anyone with long hair. And last but not least, a lipstick with the matching lip liner.

3.Work essential – air pods:

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Whether it’s on the way to work or at work, sometimes you just don’t want to hear the people around you. Earpods are real saviors. They also look very stylish and discreet, so you can wear them almost all the time without it appearing rude. Of course you shouldn’t spend the whole day with these things in your ears, but if you want to focus and work without distractions, they are unbeatable.

4.Work essentials – Starbucks plastic cup:

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Who else knows that you are so focused and working that you completely forget to drink something? Well, unfortunately I’m like that and sometimes too lazy to go into the kitchen and get something. That’s why I’ve recently had a 0.5l plastic cup from Starbucks on my desk where I drink from it again and again. And a game changer with these cups are the straws. I’m not sure why but straws make drinking easier.

5.Work essentials – Mac book:

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The laptop is the most important work essential for me personally. Because without him I can’t do everything. Regardless of whether you have to Google something or answer emails, you can do your work faster and more efficiently on a laptop. At least that’s what I think. Packed up quickly and you can work almost anywhere. Cell phones are of course also practical, but I can concentrate better when I have to work on something when I use the laptop. So it is the most important essential to get the job done.

6.Work essentials – Lunch Box:

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Eating healthy and nutritious food even in stressful everyday life is really not an easy thing. Because the biggest problem is that you don’t have the time to prepare it. Regardless of whether it is a cold or warm dish, hardly anyone has time to prepare something fresh at work. Quickly warmed up in the microwave or simply tipped onto a plate and you’re ready to eat. This means you can keep a perfect eye on your calories and other nutritional values, no matter how stressful your everyday life is.

The work essentials can be different for everyone. It could be that you happen to have the same things as me or that you think I don’t need that. That’s perfectly fine. Or it could be that I could have inspired you, and that’s all I want. Encourage you to think about how you can improve or simplify your working days with little things.


work essentials are an important part for your wellbeing at work



try to find your top 5 work essentials


